
Heather Blue

Heather blue, despite its name, contains just hints of blue. The rest of its makeup is mostly gray. The resulting hue is one that looks gray on the surface is actually a dusty blue. The color is delicate and soft and evokes feelings of peace and serenity when used throughout a space. Heather blue, like other muted blues, is versatile and works well in just about any space. Because it evokes feelings of calm, occupants benefit from using the hue liberally on bedroom walls and in the living room. Heather blue is also commonly used in fabrics, so if you want some flexibility, consider purchasing a sofa or armchairs in cozy heather blue upholstery fabric. Heather blue works best with other neutral tones. Use white, creams and tans with heather blue walls or furniture to create a space that feels like a coastal retreat. Add large ferns and houseplants to provide pops of color. You can also use heather blue to display your artistic nature. Layer heather blue with textiles, accent pieces, and rugs in deep pinks, purples, and vibrant blues. Ground these colors with bamboo or wood-toned furnishings. Heather blue is a relaxing, soothing color that brings to mind a favorite tee. Make your home feel just as lived in as that tee and incorporate heather blue to your heart's content.


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