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In nature, mint is a vibrant or soft green with blue undertones. However, manufactured mint looks similar to seafoam green, turquoise, or even powder blue in some instances. This makes sense as the latter colors are also comprised of mostly greens and blues. Regardless of what form mint takes, most can agree that the color is refreshing, inviting, and suggestive of summer days. Mint is huge right now in the decorating world. This may be because it can be paired with just about any color for a warm, inviting, and often sophisticated effect. When you use mint as it is found in nature with shades of brown, lavender, moss green, and deep purples, the resulting color palette is one which is reminiscent of a desert flower. Pair mint with cream, light blue, gray-green, and sand to achieve a nautical color scheme. Many use mint in their autumn decorating by mixing it with raspberry, melon, eggplant, and shades of orange. Coral in particular complements mint of all shades. When you use mint, be sure to do so in rooms with plenty of natural lighting. The sunlight will reflect off the color and make it appear even more vibrant than it already is. Hints of mint can freshen up any room. You can use it liberally or only via select accent pieces to create an inviting environment.


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