
Reflex Blue

Reflex blue is a remarkable deep, true blue that contains alkali pigments from cobalt, a mineral. Some pigments and inks companies would use the color name reflex blue for one of their shades of blue in their collections. Because reflex blue is so attention-grabbing, it is quite often used in print and web designs as well as in marketing and advertising materials, including labels and signs. It draws the eye and delivers all the sincerity of blue in one stroke. Since the 19th century, when it was first used, this hue has captured the imagination and enticed consumers. While this color is such a common element in all manner of designs, it also can add punch to interiors. Blue is usually considered a neutral, but as this particular hue is so strong, you may want to use it as an accent color. For a beautiful monochrome look, combine this shade with other blues. In kitchens, add towels this color. A central island painted this hue in an otherwise white kitchen looks remarkable. Reflex blue adds instant panache and fascination wherever it appears, whether as a pillow in a neutral living room or in a company’s logo.


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