Subcategory Page - Architecture

Architecture stock photos and royalty free images

With architecture, it’s possible to design habitable buildings that are pragmatic and artistic. Throughout the world, there are many architectural works of art that are tourist destinations. Shutterstock’s large library of stock images has the architecture stock images you’re looking for. These images are provided by thousands of talented contributors around the world. To see a selection of curated images, scroll down.

The building blocks of architecture images

The craftsmanship that goes into designing a building goes beyond the walls and ceilings Architecture must take into account all aspects of the building. Houses, schools, offices, and stores must all be designed beforehand by architects and firms whose jobs it is to make a functional building. However, architecture can also be considered art, elevating buildings into works of art that people can experience as a living or working space. Whether you’re looking for Roman architecture, Asian Architecture, European Architecture, or Middle East Architecture stock images, look no further than Shutterstock.

Trending architecture images and backgrounds

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Trending architecture image #8

Questions about architecture images and backgrounds

What are architecture images and pictures?

Since architecture is defined as the designing and constructing of a building or structure, architecture images revolve around that loosely-defined topic. While it can depend on what architecture images you’re searching for, there are certain visual elements that are shared across architecture images. Mostly, architecture images involve some type of architecture such as a house, museum, skyscraper, or bridge. There are many different types of buildings that may appear in an architectural building. Some architecture images have people in them, too, but they are not as common. When people are in an architecture image, they are either posing by a building or interacting with a model of a building like an architect would do.

What makes architecture images engaging?

Architecture is, essentially, an art form. Capturing an image of a building can change how that building looks depending on the lighting, angle of the image, and other factors. Many of the most engaging architectural images make use of symmetry or leading lines to draw the eye. While the composition of the image does matter, the buildings themselves must be interesting and captivating enough to engage the viewer. Buildings that use unorthodox shapes and architectural design are sure to grab the attention of most viewers. Colorful buildings are also engaging because the pop of color calls to viewers.

What are software architecture images?

Architects used to design buildings by hand on pen paper, making complex calculations that had no margin for error. While that worked out for centuries, computers opened up a whole new world. These days, architects have access to advanced on high-end computers that can make those calculations and provide an almost life-like visual aid of what the building will look like. Architecture software stock images seek to capture this advancement in architectural design technology by implementing certain visual elements. Many of the software architecture images have a computer, or they have a person interacting with a graphical interface that’s like something out of a sci-fi film. Some architecture design images are illustrations, and some are vector graphics of architecture icons.

How to find high quality images with architects?

Finding any type of image is easy on Shutterstock, and it begins by simply typing the search term in the search box and clicking the red magnifying glass. Once entered, Shutterstock fills the page with dozens of images. To see more similar images related to your term, just advance to the next page and the one after that. If the term used is too broad, you can narrow down your search by using the filters, which are located on the left-hand side of the page. If you’re looking for images with a man architect or woman architect, you can select the “with people” filter and head down to the Gender filter, where you can select between images including a male, female, or both. There are also filters for age, ethnicity, as well as image orientation and type of image.

What are images related to architecture?

Architecture concerns itself with the design and construction of physical structures, but there are other images that are adjacent to architecture. Interior design images almost go hand-in-hand with architecture images as they dress the inside of the building to bring out and highlight the features of the structure. Many interior design images capture communal living spaces such as living rooms, but some focus on bedrooms and bathrooms. On the flip side of interior design is exterior design, which, unlike interior design, looks at the exterior of the structure. Exterior design images are more closely related to architecture images as they capture the facade of the building. When looking for architecture images, there’s a high possibility that they will include buildings, but images with architecture sketches and architecture drawings are also common.

Browse architecture images

Using architecture images in marketing

  • Shutterstock images work well in digital and print formats, and it’s no different when using architecture images. Architecture images can be used by architecture firms, contractors, building materials vendors, insurance companies, and many other companies.

  • Real estate agencies, for example, could make great use of architecture images for their promotional materials. For real estate agencies, they could use an image of a building or home to put on a brochure. This would allow the agency to use a gorgeous image of a building without having to hire a photographer.

  • Architecture firms or contractors could use images of architects in hard hats on brochures to hand out in trade shows or job fairs. With many architecture images having artistic value due to stellar composition, it’s possible to use those images as backgrounds for graphic design work.

Using architecture images in marketing

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