
Amber Brown

Amber brown is rich and warm, blending red and orange for a fiery effect. While brown is essentially a neutral, this hue is a hybrid, a specific mixture that emulates flames and hidden depths. It is the color of a type of natural resin that is a prized gemstone sometimes containing living organisms preserved down through eons of time to this very moment. Amber brown is mysterious and beautiful, earthy and sensual. It adds striking and attractive profundity to interiors. Amber brown looks beautiful in living rooms, libraries, and dining areas, where it sparks feelings of safety, warmth, and conviviality. Paint one wall this color for a striking accent, and add navy and cream furniture. This hue also looks good with dark brown wood, but go easy on this particular combination as far as other accessories. Soft, saturated yellows such as chardonnay look lovely with this shade. Touches of it in bedrooms and baths create a warm, pleasant space. Navy shades are perfect complements to the intensity of this hue. These colors, together with splashes of dark greens, create an old-world opulence that speaks of comfort and security. White and cream also look lovely with this color. Amber brown is rich and satisfying. It is a warm, inviting neutral that adds beautiful and mysterious luxury to interiors. It is intense yet earthy and never overpowering.


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